Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cheer Guru - Liberty Extension Bow & Arrow + Twist Cradle

Hey y'all, I'm so sorry for not updating my blog for some time. I've been out partying and now I have a history assignment to finish! But you know, being a kind person that I am, I posted up a video of me which was taken yesterday at Charm practice to keep y'all entertained.

I know I'm shaking like an OSIM chair in the stunt but I haven't been up on a liberty extension for years. But I stayed amazing and totally neglected the fact that I'm not wearing shoes and the bases are tired. They have been throwing fat, skinny, black, asian and all them girls and now they had to carry the biggest girl - ME!

Now, flyers who are reading this, just stay locked and keep your butt stagnant if you don't wanna fall and die. I know the bases are suppose to catch you but sometimes shit happens ;)

For the twist down, just drop the stretching leg and twist at the same time. Squeeze the butt, keep your body in one tight piece and hands to yourself or nobody's gonna base you ever again. I'm suppose to do a double down but there wasn't enough pop.

Thanks to U-sern, Jun Kang, Liang Giaw and Chee Wei for basing and thank you for reading,

EV xoxo

1 comment:

youu said...

lol..why this blog so dead one

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