Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Cheer Guru - Liberty Extension Bow & Arrow + Twist Cradle

Hey y'all, I'm so sorry for not updating my blog for some time. I've been out partying and now I have a history assignment to finish! But you know, being a kind person that I am, I posted up a video of me which was taken yesterday at Charm practice to keep y'all entertained.

I know I'm shaking like an OSIM chair in the stunt but I haven't been up on a liberty extension for years. But I stayed amazing and totally neglected the fact that I'm not wearing shoes and the bases are tired. They have been throwing fat, skinny, black, asian and all them girls and now they had to carry the biggest girl - ME!

Now, flyers who are reading this, just stay locked and keep your butt stagnant if you don't wanna fall and die. I know the bases are suppose to catch you but sometimes shit happens ;)

For the twist down, just drop the stretching leg and twist at the same time. Squeeze the butt, keep your body in one tight piece and hands to yourself or nobody's gonna base you ever again. I'm suppose to do a double down but there wasn't enough pop.

Thanks to U-sern, Jun Kang, Liang Giaw and Chee Wei for basing and thank you for reading,

EV xoxo

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Zipzapdingdongfupaks of Vulcanz All-Boys CHEER 2009 - The Review

The boys made their debut as the Best Newcomers of CHEER 2004. They were the 2nd runner-ups of CHEER 2005 and CHEER 2007. The first all-boys team in the Malaysian cheer scene; they definitely have grown a  pair of balls to compete in what others thought as a feminine sport. Highly inspirational.

Routine Choreography and Execution
An example of a handsome routine executed badly. The routine is comparable to a good looking chap who digs his nose and farts loudly all the time. You get the idea?

The occurrence of minor falls/bobbles in stunts, legs touching the floor on a cradle, head touching the floor on a backhandspring, and other bad cheer jujus may seem insidious but not if its repeated over and over again! The accumulation of this bad jujus all add up to an overall bad impression of the routine just like the good looking chap.

Now for the opening of the routine, I find it too subtle for my liking and the energy level just plunges down during the cheer section. Too much cheer, the pyramid took to long to mount and it's not very impressive. Thankfully, things get more stimulating after the cheer section.

Also, the recycle of the tagline "Guys Don't Cheer With Poms" has been getting stale in my opinion. Somebody please do a sexual revolution for pom-pons! I want to cheer with poms but thanks to these Vulcanz boys.

Lastly, I find the dance flashy, classy and well choreographed. The change of tempo is impressive. No complains! The synchronization could be better but boys can be such dance retards. The slow movement transition to the basket tosses is simply a classic!
  • 2 sets of basket toss toe touch + reload + 360 + elevators + press up to extensions and down to prep level + double twist cradles
  • 1 set of show extent + sponge to elevator + press up to extension + sponge + straight extension + down to prep + cradle
  • 2 sets of basket kick twists
  • 2 sets of knee basket load + cupie + press up to + single base liberty interlinked with middle bracer
  • 1 set of 180 load + elevator + twist cradle
Cheer Pyramid
  •  2 sets of assisted hand toss to hands + press up to extension + down to shoulder stands
  • Combination of thigh stands step up to prep + hitch inside to ground up thigh stand and transit to extensions + shoulder seat + shoulder stand pyramid
Vulcanz vs Pirates
Although the dance is all well, Pirates stole Vulcanz's limelight. Pirates had the X-factor that Vulcanz do not. Initially, I was with team Vulcanz and got really PMS-ey when Pirates scored higher than Vulcanz.

But after much investigation and debate, I'm in Pirates boat. Its a keelhaul to the Vulcanz boys. It is such a disappoinment because Vulcanz had a more difficult and a more technical routine.

Thank you for reading,
Eric xoxo

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In Bed with Cheerleading

In this blog entry, I would be sharing with you about my intimate relationship with cheerleading hence the title "In Bed with Cheerleading".

And I don't mean having sex with others in your cheerleading uniforms should any ideas arise from the title.

If you have been paying attention to every nook and crannies in this blog, you should know by now that yours truly started cheerleading in 2004 under the persuasion of my BFF, Mitra.

So I grew a pair, trained and became part of my highschool cheer team, Vulcanz.

The initial stages of training wasn't easy. I've never been athletic during my pre-cheerleading days and I felt so incapable.

I can't base, I can't split, I can't jump and I can't dance even if you put a million bucks in front of my face. I'm just like one of them Simon Cowell victims.

But I persisted and trained hard. I know it's a cliche but like most cliches, they're true.

Cheer has done a lot for me physically. I would consider what I'm doing now to be insane if you were to ask me a couple years back.

I think that cheerleading is about having the confidence and how much you believe in yourself. With encouragement from your close ones and a proper training, I got to do the things I never thought I would.

It got me toned up and sizzling hot.

Pretzel-like flexibility

Cheer has also been a platform to working life. We learn how to deal with clients and people generally from the god-forsaken assholes to the most cooperative people. It's an on-field training that no books can teach.

After countless cheerleading performances, performing has been like a breeze. I've became more confident with myself and not to mention richer by a few hundreds.

Being a two time national 2nd runner-ups, the feeling of winning is almighty! It gave me a great sense of joy and pride. It's such a tear jerker I tell you. Feels good to kick other cheerleaders butt too.

I've met so many amazing talented people and there's so many things I've learnt from them. Even my students are my teachers. To watch my students turn from zero to hero is just priceless.

Cheer has also been a great opportunity to tap in to my creative side too. I had so much fun choreographing for the teams I've worked with.

All embracingly, cheerleading has to be a gift from the heavens.

Go Bless Win!

Thank you for reading,
Eric xoxo

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Zipzapdingdongfupaks of Pirates CHEER 2009 - The Review

They were the bestnewcomers of CHEER 2008. A budding team leaving their mark in the cheer scene.

Routine Choreography
A good use of masquerade to hide the obvious incompetency in stunts and other technical aspects of a cheerleading routine. The dance however, is as catchy as a pop chorus married with a clever selection of outstanding songs.

But there's one thing that irritates me in this routine. Being a natural loud vocalist, I can't help but to point out that the routine is pirated. No pun intended. This routine has Shirtliff, Extreme All-Stars Malaysia and Vulcanz All-Boys written all over.

This sneaky choreographer probably thinks no one would notice but not to my trained (gorgeous) eyes. While it is healthy to recycle for the environment, the same could not be applied to cheerleading routines. Please do not re-use, reduce and recycle or otherwise you know..

Pirates have one of the easiest stunts of earth. The sport houses in Sek Sri KDU has attempted more difficult stunts. But since it's all masqueraded with the music, hype and glory, so let's just pretend the stunts are great.

  • 2 sets of show extensions
  • 1 set of (weird) basket toss kick
  • 1 set of basket toss pike
  • 2 sets show kicks + sponge + liberty prep level + press up + extension liberty (hideous) scales
  • 1 set of basket toss toe touch + reload + liberty extension (hideous) heel stretch
  • 2 sets of offsets + step up to extension + hitch to inside elevator
  • 1 set of offset + step up to extension + down to prep + twist cradle
  • 2 sets shoulder stands + 1 set of single base extension
What could be improved
  • Arm motions need to be sharper, straight with precise angles.
  • Timing of jumps could be better.
  • Execution of skills need to be cleaner.
On a positive note
  • I felt that the Pirates have the presence and confidence to execute the routine. They definitely deserved the Best Showmanship award.
  • The routine was entertaining and memorable.

Thank you for reading.
Eric xoxo

Sunday, October 25, 2009

V.V.I.P. BFFs ♥

Like a swing, 
Life goes up and down,
But when you're out of strength,
to go back up,
There'll always be you to push me from behind

Eric xoxo

I've been blogging a lot about cheerleading lately but this time I'm going to give my time and special attention to the V.V.I.Ps of my heart.

Simply gorgeous! From left to right: Mitra, Me, Flo


We've been BFFs since late 2000. I remember meeting her in the park near my house and we both had a liking for dogs. We've spent most of our teenage years together,

She's the one responsible for bringing me into cheerleading. Amen! I still remember vividly the days when she came to my house to teach me arm motions, dance, jumps and cartwheels to prepare me for cheer tryouts.

She may seem icy but she has a warm heart.

Mitra Quick Facts
  1. She was the captain of the Vulcanz All-Girls, CHEER 2006.
  2. She plays the tin-whistle.
  3. She's an amazing dancer and performer.


 Look at her boobs.

A highly unique individual, you can't get Flojo-isms anywhere else. We first met in CHARM practice back in 2005 and we went to the same highschool together to do our Form 6.

We were quite inseparable back in highschool. Teachers mistaken us for a couple but you know, so not! She's a blonde in the truest sense; you can't help but to laugh.

Flo Quick Facts
  1. She's the bigger blonde
  2. She was the captain of Hollaback, CHEER 2005
  3. She represented Malaysia for cheerleading in Japan in the year 2007
  4. She thinks she's fat. 
Recently, both of them got hot and sizzling and they are now in the finals in their own respective modelling competitions.

But unfortunately, like how Tyra says it: "There's only one photo in my hand, the one who I do not call must go home immediately."

I don't want either of them to go home! So please vote cos I wanna see them both happy as they have done for me.

Vote for FLORENCE:


SMS to 36660


Vote for Mitra here.

Yours truly,
Eric xoxo

Friday, October 23, 2009

The Zipzapdingdongfupaks of Dynamitez 2009 - The Review

One of the top teams and trendsetters in the cheer scene. The originator of the manly voice and the throwing of pom-poms to simulate fireworks. The Dynamitez have the reputation for being squeaky clean and cut throat sharp.

Routine Choreography
Predictable. The usual opening pom-pom dance and the throwing of pom-poms are getting stale and out of trend. I reckon the discarding of pom-poms gently on the floor to be the in thing already! Just spare me this rude treatment of poms.

The thing is, Dynamitez are good and skilled but their choreography sucks. The choreographer needs to be murdered. Why would you want to have the basket toss toe touch and basket toss kick twists to go up simultaneously?

The focus would've be on the basket toss toe touch as it takes the centre position and that would leave the basket toss kick twists go unnoticed. The basket toe touch should go first followed by the kick twists or vice versa.

The dance leaves much to be desired. It is a change from their usual style where they get down all dirty and ghetto. I'm not impressed and it's just awkward looking. Too slow-paced and lacking visual dynamics.

The pyramid sequence is boring and depressing. Did you see how boring it is when they do their "pyramid" in the cheer section? These flyers go up to an arabesque and  then followed by a liberty to a hitch and then she libs again! I just don't understand why the need to lib so much?

The flyers need to hold the hitch longer; not just brushing the hitch on the prep flyer. The single basing stunt sets look laboured. A basic elevator instead would be better.

Now.. the ending pyramid. Forget it, it speaks for itself.

2 sets of (deformed) basket kick twist + reload + elevator + double twist cradle
1 set of basket toe touch + reload + elevator + double twist cradle
1 set of straight extension + cradle
2 sets of extension liberty arabesques + liberty + hitch on elevator + liberty + cradle
2 sets of single base elevators + press up to extensions + down to prep level + cradle
2 sets of basket toss double vertical

Bracers: 2 sets of front handspring to load to elevators
Braced: Tuck to liberty extension + cradle + elevator

On the positive note:
Great jump sequence! Triple toe touch + pike + vertical jump

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Cheer Guru - Basket Toss Kick Double Twist

The guru orders you to:

Rotate 90° as you dip on the load. The 90° rotation will initiate the momentum for the flyer to twist more effortlessly.

It is possible to do without the 90° rotation but seriously, save yourself from the frustration.

As you ride up, look to the direction you're turning (90°) and kick straight up at the same time.

Hips and shoulders have to be aligned to initiate the twist. Keep tight and WHEEE!

Back Spot
Follow the bases as they dip and catch.

This guide applies to basket toss kick single twist as well. I will post up the drills and tips for basket toss kick twist soon.

Thank you for reading,
Go Fight Win!

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Zipzapdingdongfupaks of Titans 2009 - The Review

They were the serial winners of the Best Dressed award for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005 but their uniforms of late are leaning towards the Lady Gaga direction. Champions of CHEER 2006 they have shed off their Best Dressed image and had become one of the icons of the cheer scene.

Routine Choreography
I expected an entertaining routine but instead I had a mindblowing one! It was more than I expected and the routine was awesome.

Strongly Thai-influenced with the typical maniacal Thai dance, this routine delivers like a spicy tom yum and the stunts made an impact as hard as a bitch slap. Good energy, commands attention, and FIERCE!

Stunts (note that the stunts on the 2nd day is different to keep by the rules)
  • 3 sets of basket toe touch + reload + liberty extension heel stretches + down to prep level + press up to liberty extension scales + twist cradles + backwalk
  • 3 sets of front handspring to load + elevators + press up to liberty extension arabesques + peel down
  • 1 set of basket toss scissors kick
  • 1 set of basket toss single vertical
  • 1 set of liberty extension chin-chin
Pyramid Sequence 1 - 2 structured
  • Bracers: 3 sets of shoulder stands
  • Braced: 180 to elevator + press up to extension + sponge to load + front tuck + reload + flatback + press up to extension heel stretches
Pyramid Sequence 2 - 2 structured
  • 2 sets of basket around the world + reload to flatback interlink with middle bracer + reload to liberty extension hitch on inside elevator + tick tock + liberty extension hitch on outside shoulder seats (HOLY SHIT!)
  • 1 set of show and go + sponge + elevator
Cheer Stunt Sequence
  •  Combination of straight extensions, press up extensions, elevator double takes + front tuck dismount
.What made this routine works

Note: Flyers need to ride more on the opening basket toss toe touch. Keep tight on the liberties and stretch please! My heel stretch is better than all of you. Synchronization could be better.  But otherwise..

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Zipzapdingdongfupaks of Calyx 2009 - The Review

I didn't really pay much attention to Calyx when the debuted in CHEER 2004. One of the underdog teams until CHEER 2006, when they gained some regconition on their clear cut improvement.They finally made it in the top 3 at CHEER 2009.

Routine Choreography
Simple but visually pleasing with sufficient transitions. Each section of the routine is segued neatly. However, I find the routine subtle and lacking in ferocity. I would like to see more variety because after awhile, the routine has an auto-pilot feel.

  • 3 sets of basket toss kick twists
  • 1 set of show peel down
  • 3 show peel downs + reload + liberty extension scorpions + liberty + twist cradle
  • 2 sets of elevator + twist cradles
  • 3 sets of shoulder seats
  • 1 set of basket toe touch

Pyramid Sequence
  • Bracers: 2 sets of show 360s + sponge + elevators + shift to prep liberties + press up to extension hitch + twist cradle
  • Braced: 1 set of liberty extension + tick tock to liberty extension + sponge + kick toss to single leg flatback + press up to elevator + double twist cradle
Pyramids Executed
  • Inside liberty outside elevators
  • Inside elevator outside hitch
What made the routine works
  • Cleanliness and synchronization
  • Perfection of routine
  • Smooth transitions
  • Simple, safe routine

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

The People and Animals in the Land of Gym

I spend a fair amount of time in the gym and nothing tips me off like these people I'm about to mention. It just shows that how insensitive and uncourteous these people are towards the welfare of others.

The Vocalist
The inevitable attention ho. Making so much sound like them Japanese porno girls. Usually the big guy who has too much vocal capabilities.

They come in groups too. With the lead vocalist holding 100kgs and the back-ups "singing" one, two, three, four and then RARRR!!! What's the point of carrying 100kgs and the spotter takes like 30kgs away?

Might as well take 70kgs right? Oh, I forgot. They're attention hos.

tell-tale signs: the sound identical to orgasms and giving birth.

The Exhibitionist
The naked guy in the men's room. The problem is, they're not even hot. If you're looking hot and sizzling like them supermodels, by all means strip.

Just kidding, the point is; I don't wanna see your pendulum swinging left to right and cover that lardy arse.

tell-tale signs: Usually the ang mohs. They think that its OK being naked at the beach so the same applies in the gym.

The Hogger
The lowliest creatures of the gym. I fucking hate these inconsiderate people species. They hog all the gym equipments all to themselves.

Another subspecies of the Hogger kin are the handphone-equipped hoggers. Equally awful, they have conversations with their BFFs while the poor people like me have wait for them.

For fuck's sake, talk in the dark corner somewhere in the gym. Why would you wanna chat with someone when on the phone you're working out?

tell-tale signs: like how a dog pees to mark its spot. Same here for the hoggers. They mark their spot with towels and bottles to "book" an equipment while they go working on some other machines.

The Stalker
The gym in not a cruising or get-a-hook up spot thank you. That belongs to the club. While it is natural for our eyes to be attracted to all things beautiful, please do it discreetly and not like a dog in heat.

It's just plain freaky and uncomfortable.

tell-tale sign: balding ugly men.

The Hairdryer
The hairdryers are obviously for your hair; not your armpit hair; not your pubic hair or whatever bodily hair there is. Its a HAIRdryer for the hair on your HEAD goddammit.

tell-tale sign: armpitish stench.

The Aunties
In LOTR, there's the fellowship of the ring; in the gym we have the fellowship of the aunties! They come running walking on the treadmill for 5 minutes and call it a workout then you see them munching on their popiahs, keropok lekor, etc.

tell-tale signs: a mob of women in their 40s and 50s.

The Shitleavers
Like a person who uses the public toilet and never flush after that. This is exactly what the shitleavers do. They expect others to clean their shit for them.

It is not safe for others. I almost tripped stepping on the shit they left.

To those who did this, fuck you.

tell-tale sign: a landmine of weights.

The Sweaties
They sweat buckets and deposits them onto the gym equipment. It's fucking disgusting. Always wipe wipe wipe all your body excrement away!

tell-tale signs: Wet gym equipments.

The B.O.
I wonder why do some people stink so much? Did they "forget" about their deodorant or something? Some are so unbearable and you just refuse to workout in the B.O.'s 200cm radius.

Their stench is much stronger and potent in the men's room where its not so ventilated. If the government wants an alternative for tear bomb, the B.O.s are a great choice.

Evacuation is guaranteed.

tell-tale signs: green toxic mist.

In case you're wondering why am I so grumpy in gym, now you know why. 

Thanks for reading
EV xoxo

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Zipzapdingdongfupaks of Shirtliff 2009 - The Review

The 5 times defending champions Shirtliff and the 1st runner-up of Cheer 2009. Perhaps the most anticipated, most influential, most revered and the most detested team in the Malaysian cheer scene. Shirtliff shows you how it's done over and over again with exciting choreography and standard-setting stunts. I don't just clap, I give them my standing O.

Routine Choreography
I find the overall routine visually stimulating with good use of props such as flags, banners and pom-poms to add visual impact. The highlight of the routine has to be the hip hop/tribal-influenced cheer dance, executed in an exciting pace to complement the music. No complains! Hands down with goosebumps all over.

  • 1 set basket toss kick twist
  • 2 sets of basket pikes reload to liberty extensions + press up to extension scales + arabesque + twist cradle
  • 1 set of basket pike reload to liberty extension bow & arrow + scorpion + scale + twist cradle
  • 2 sets of 180 offsets step up to liberty extensions reload + straight extensions + double twist cradles
  • 1 set of elevator reload to straight extension + double twist cradles
  • 1 set of basket toss around the world
  • 2 sets of liberty extension down to gut stand + press up to liberty extensions
  • 1 set of show and go reload to elevator
The routine lacks pyramid; with outside liberties and inside elevator being the only pyramid. The ending stunts should be hitched in. However, I do like the rotating liberty sequences which looks impressive. The ratio of cheerleaders to stunts are lower compared to Blitzerz. Blitzerz have 4 sets of liberty extensions compared to 3.

What made the routine works?
  • Good use of props
  • Good use of music to complement routine
  • Fast paced dance using half counts
p.s. The videoman for The Star needs to be sacked. This babe is doing some cool tumbling sequence and he focuses on the cartwheels. There's 3 stunt sets and he focuses on one set. What a dodo.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

The zipzapdingdongfupaks of Blitzerz 2009 - The Review


Ever since they started out in Cheer 2004, Blitzerz have always been the "chipsmore" team to me. Their neither here or there. Basic at best is how I would describe them. Cheer 2009 changed all that perception of course.

In fundamentals, Blitzerz has what it takes to be the national champions but only with the shortcomings of other rival teams e.g. Shirtliff and Titans. The latter teams would've been in a favourable position to win the national champion title if Shirtliff were to hit a perfect routine and the Titans followed by the rules.

Routine Choreography
Bland and safe. Feels like something Dynamitez would choreograph. However, the music is in sync with the routine and it adds drama to the basket tosses. The dance is not outstanding and needs more transitions. Love the chants where they go "attack Blitzerz attack!". The low voice paired with liberty extensions made a strong impression.
I noticed that Blitzerz has the best stats for stunts. Tiny flyers, big bases and tall spotters. This definitely made stunting easier.

  • 4 sets of liberty extension arabesques down to heel stretches at prep level + twist cradle
  • 3 sets of basket toss toe touches
  • 3 sets of basket toss single verticals + show and go
  • 3 sets of hand toss to teddy bear + single leg faltbacks + twist cradle + straight extensions down to prep + double twist cradles
  • Outside hitch inside shoulder sit pyramid
  • Basket toss kick
  • (an ugly) Basket toss kick twist
  • Basket toss X-Out
  • Pyramid sequence to Outside off-sets inside heel stretch 
What made the routine works?
  • Perfection of routine is the rule of thumb.
  • Spam your basket tosses. The crowd loves them albeit its not the hardest stunt.
  • Firm stunt sets.
  • Perfect stats of cheerleaders. Not neccessary but it helps.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Slurpeelicious Moments

Slurpee is organizing this Slurpeelicious Moments from 21 Sept - 18 Oct. All you have to do is to upload any photograph depicting your best slurpee moment and upload it here. The grand prize is RM6000 and I'm not letting this opportunity to pass by! So, U-sern, Kheen Ho, Li Yen and I got together and we did a couple of awesome shots.

I'm on the 2nd tier and I'm telling you, balancing friends, slurpee and LIVES on the pyramid is a tough feat. Thanks to the extras that made this pyramid happen. It was a complex manoeuvre to mount and dismount the slurpees. But.... all this was a waste of effort cos rules and regulations stated that the slurpee/s must be 40% of the picture. I decided to upload the picture anyway cos its way too cool. Can you see the contrast between our picture and other contestants'? We're uber-cool.

Keeping it by the rules, we've toned down our uber-coolness to this sunny heart warming picture:

 I love you U-sern! Your expression booms.

So now that you've seen the pictures, do vote for us during 19 Oct to 25 Oct. We assure you that yum-cha sessions will be on us for a long long time :)

Oh btw U-sern, I just can't help but to see the resemblance of your facials to these pics:


Thanks for reading xoxo

Public Stoning For The Masses - Lady Gaga

I come in peace.

Meet your new queen of slut-pop. The current manufactured vagina of the pop industry with songs about mostly sex. So cheap and tacky, she's a bad role model for girls. I was in absolute disgust when my 10 y.o. students sang along to "Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick." Eww..

  1. Just Dance - She sings about getting drunk and not knowing which club is she in. The song glorifies about getting drunk and encouraging lil girls to get drunk so they can get date raped.
  2. Poker Face - A stupid song comparing love to a card game and not showing your emotions to the guy you like hence the title poker face. Stupid meaningless song. Sounds like Fuck Her Face.
  3. Eh Eh - She tries to be cute and oh-so-adorable in this one. Super annoying. Cherry cherry boom boom. Seriously? *rolls eyes*
  4. Love Game - Let's have some fun this beat is sick, I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. How distasteful. The video to this song is so cheap. Might as well offer a blowjob to those who bought your deluxe edition CD.
  5. Paparazzi - The video is stupid and meaningless. The part when she goes soulful singing the lines "Papa, paparazzi." mindfucks all the time.

I hear her fucking songs on the radio constantly. I change the radio station and another of her fucking song is being played. And what the fuck is with those Martian costumes? Its just plain weird and lame. She tries so hard trying to be artistic by wearing abstract paintings. She admitted that the eccentric costumes and her feisty persona is actually her ploy to succeed in the music industry. She's so fake and manufactured. It is a shame that the music industry and the radio stations promote her shit rather than other artistes who have real talent. All that cheap slut has to do is wear fugly costumes and sing senseless songs and people go gaga about her.

Gaga tries so bad to be a gay icon, so bad you can taste it (on your bitter taste buds of course). What's tipping off is that she thinks her music is original. Ring ring from Earth to Mars, Your shit has been done in the 80s and you ripped off from Gwen Stefani and Madonna. Gaga is like a walking fake LV bag trying to cheat appraisers.

Did I mention that she's an attention whore too? Here's an article of Gaga's cocaine addiction. Bullshit. That cheap slut is trying to look "bad" and hip by being a crack. Pathetic. I say she's probably gonna release her slut autobiography anytime soon to get more attention.

I wish she would go away but I don't think that would be anytime soon. But I'm gonna stone that slut here and you guys can turn it to a public stoning spree. Stones provided.

Thank you for reading.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Music For The Masses: Let Go, Avril Lavigne

The singles released from the album ultimately became my teenage anthems. I remember the days when I go crazy when I hear Complicated being played on the radio stations. It was 2002 when Avril ruled the airplay. As much as I hate teen pop ala Miley Cyrus, Avril does not ad nauseum. She's my all-time favourite teen artiste. Recently rediscovered when I was packing my old stuff, this CD was a trip down memory lane. This album showcases Avril's versatilty from anger-fueled tracks like Losing Grip to the melancholic I'm With You. Set apart from other teen-pop acts, Avril delivers every song in this album with sincerity that her peers are lacking. Her heartfelt delivery laden with sunny guitars made this album "Anything But Ordinary". Standout tracks are: Complicated, Losing Grip, Anything But Ordinary, I'm With You, Mobile, Tomorrow, Too Much To Ask, Things I'll Never Say, and Naked.

Album Tracklisting:
  1. Losing Grip
  2. Complicated
  3. Sk8er Boi
  4. I'm With You
  5. Mobile
  6. Unwanted
  7. Tomorrow
  8. Anything but Ordinary
  9. Things I'll Never Say
  10. My World
  11. Nobody's Fool
  12. Too Much To Ask
  13. Naked

A Slight Grasp of the Malaysian Culture

I chatted with my dear friend Joel, who is currently studying in the U.S. We talked about the differences between the Americans and the Malaysians. This gave me an idea for my first blogging entry. As I've never been out of the country, culture has always intrigued me.

If you came across a stranger who said, "good morning" to you. Would you feel awkward? Would you return the greeting? Or maybe say "No, no no!" out of fear that they might be a salesman? This manner of greeting might seem rather bizarre in Malaysia. However, it is completely normal for someone in Pasadena, CA to greet someone they don't know with a good morning. If you decided to greet people in the streets of KL, it would be PHENOMENON probably as great as the lunar eclipse. I think that Malaysians are afraid of showing/receiving courtesy because we were told as kids that strangers are bad news. Never mind the lack of greeting, lets move on to other "unique" Malaysian traits.

Typical Malaysians rush as though there's a mega sale going on whenever the traffic lights turn yellow. I'm sure most of you have done this, I would too if I could drive. The feeling of rushing before the lights turn red is comparable to an action movie. Think of a horde of zombies chasing after your car.

Where driving is concerned, we are at our worst on the roads. KL city drivers tend to be one of the following. 1. The Insane 2. The Arrogant 3. The Suicidal. There seems to be an unwritten pecking order system of the road. As you may have read in your history books, royalty and ministers are at the top of the hierarchy and same applies to the road. Warning signs involve: A swagger of black Mercedes/Rolls Royce with an army of police escorts. Failure to give way may be fatal. Second on pecking order are the police cars, ambulance, fire engines and other emergency vehicles. You probably see some opportunistic losers tailing behind to beat traffic too. Moving down the pecking order, are the lorry drivers, trucks and other gargantuan vehicles -DON'T MESS. Next on the order are the politicians, tycoons, CEOs and the si lai lais. Since that their cars are more expensive than ours, they own the road by default. Next are the ah beng racers and mat rempits. Regconizable by their loud techno music on stereo, heavily modified cars and car stickers. Descending some more, are the motorbikes. They will squeeze their way in any given gaps. Most liable to scratch your car and break your side mirrors. Below the motorbikes are the uncles/pak ciks. Lost in time, driving old beat-up cars and hogging the right lane. To them, the road is like an evening stroll in the park. After all, they will be gone soon. These guys take their sweet time completely shut off from the rest of the world. Any glares/taunts/provocation will be ignored. Lastly we have the poor law abiding citizens at the bottom of the pecking order.

Malaysians are prone to parking in spaces allocated for the disabled. It's almost as if the disabled don't ever leave their houses. So who cares, I'm going to park in their spot anyway. I'm a regular user of the public transport and I've seen too many times the elderly/expecting mothers being virtually ignored. People actually pretend to be asleep or look busy. Gets me on my nerves all the time.

Now, moving you to something more fundamental and basic, it is a shame that Malaysia has become synonymous with disgusting public toilets. The act of shitting had somewhat become impossible to swallow. Imagine having to sit around the toilet rim marinated the with poop and pee pee of strangers. That certainly sends a chill up my spine like any good horror movie would. In response to Shakira's She-Wolf lyrics, the lines:

    "I'm starting to feel just a little abused like a coffee machine in an office"

Should totally be changed to:

   "I'm starting to feel just a little abused like a Malaysian toilet in the peak hour"

That's all I have to write about for now. I've covered a teeny weeny fraction of Malaysian culture. I'm going to write more but I'm feeling eager to publish my first blogging entry. Til then, may God bless our mess! Thank you for reading :)

p.s thanks to Joel and Alex for editing and keeping my blog redundant-free.