The boys made their debut as the Best Newcomers of CHEER 2004. They were the 2nd runner-ups of CHEER 2005 and CHEER 2007. The first all-boys team in the Malaysian cheer scene; they definitely have grown a pair of balls to compete in what others thought as a feminine sport. Highly inspirational.
Routine Choreography and Execution
An example of a handsome routine executed badly. The routine is comparable to a good looking chap who digs his nose and farts loudly all the time. You get the idea?
The occurrence of minor falls/bobbles in stunts, legs touching the floor on a cradle, head touching the floor on a backhandspring, and other bad cheer jujus may seem insidious but not if its repeated over and over again! The accumulation of this bad jujus all add up to an overall bad impression of the routine just like the good looking chap.
Now for the opening of the routine, I find it too subtle for my liking and the energy level just plunges down during the cheer section. Too much cheer, the pyramid took to long to mount and it's not very impressive. Thankfully, things get more stimulating after the cheer section.
Also, the recycle of the tagline "Guys Don't Cheer With Poms" has been getting stale in my opinion. Somebody please do a sexual revolution for pom-pons! I want to cheer with poms but thanks to these Vulcanz boys.
Lastly, I find the dance flashy, classy and well choreographed. The change of tempo is impressive. No complains! The synchronization could be better but boys can be such dance retards. The slow movement transition to the basket tosses is simply a classic!
- 2 sets of basket toss toe touch + reload + 360 + elevators + press up to extensions and down to prep level + double twist cradles
- 1 set of show extent + sponge to elevator + press up to extension + sponge + straight extension + down to prep + cradle
- 2 sets of basket kick twists
- 2 sets of knee basket load + cupie + press up to + single base liberty interlinked with middle bracer
- 1 set of 180 load + elevator + twist cradle
- 2 sets of assisted hand toss to hands + press up to extension + down to shoulder stands
- Combination of thigh stands step up to prep + hitch inside to ground up thigh stand and transit to extensions + shoulder seat + shoulder stand pyramid
Although the dance is all well, Pirates stole Vulcanz's limelight. Pirates had the X-factor that Vulcanz do not. Initially, I was with team Vulcanz and got really PMS-ey when Pirates scored higher than Vulcanz.
But after much investigation and debate, I'm in Pirates boat. Its a keelhaul to the Vulcanz boys. It is such a disappoinment because Vulcanz had a more difficult and a more technical routine.
Thank you for reading,
Eric xoxo