Sunday, January 24, 2010

Movie For The Masses - Avatar

This is the first movie I've watched in 3D and I'm so glad that my 3D virginity goes to Avatar! The movie blew my mind away. I even refused to pee and held it throughout the film.

Spoiler Alert!

I'm going to keep the spoiler minimal here. I love how the film implicitly criticizes America's war in Iraq. More apparent so when Colonel Miles said "to fight terror with terror". Colonel Miles also mentioned the indigenous aliens as "savages" early in the film but later proved ironic as the humans themselves are the barbaric savages.

The film also touches on the issue of racism. The avatars are in my opinion, a skin or an outer appearance to fit in the alien community because without the avatar, the humans will be killed. It is metaphoric in a sense that if you're in a skin of another race, you'll be judged and perceived in a certain way. At the end of the film, Neytiri realizes that Jake is the man behind his avatar but loves him nonetheless. The message here is: we're all same in many ways but our skin creates a boundary and at times, clouded judgement.

Along the film, you'll realize that the Na'vis have a rich culture of their own and an intimate connection with nature. The Omitacaya tribe is centralized in Hometree which has the highest concentration of unobtanium. The Hometree symbolizes home, culture and heritage and the destruction of the Hometree was so strong it made an impact to me. We may think that firing missiles and having nukes are cool way to show power, but it doesn't solve anything.

The film explores the exploitation of the strong against the weak. The Na'vis are only equipped with primitive weapons compared to the technologically advanced humans. The only form of control to violence is the media. Any inhumane treatment to the Na'vis will give the corporation a bad press. However, greed hijacked them humans and to hook or by crook, the unobtanium has to be obtained. Reminds me of history studies where the Westerners sought ways to exploit the native's wealth by making them signing ridiculous one-sided agreements. Failing to do so will lead to war and the use of force.

Avatar also denotes a "go green" message. I love how Pandora's biology are connected to one another and the destruction of trees may affect the whole balance of life. Pandora's like one huge organism if you get what I mean. Disrupt Eywa and she's gonna bust your ass. So be kind to Mother Nature or she's gonna do the Eywa.

Avatar is a reminiscent of District 9, Dances With Wolves and Final Fantasy 7 but to a whole new level. Superb production, great story line, top notched special effects and the actors were great. Sigourney Weaver is hilarious. I must take samples! LOL.

Thanks for reading,
EV xox


Samuel C said...

whoa i didn't know u blog LOLLL

Eric Voong said...

Wah I have been campaigning since last year lor Sam haha. Good to see that you've found my blog. Enjoy! xo

JLean said...

Hey there. Popping by to your blog ere. =)

Eric Voong said...

Thanks for dropping by! Enjoy xo

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