They were the bestnewcomers of CHEER 2008. A budding team leaving their mark in the cheer scene.
Routine Choreography
A good use of masquerade to hide the obvious incompetency in stunts and other technical aspects of a cheerleading routine. The dance however, is as catchy as a pop chorus married with a clever selection of outstanding songs.
But there's one thing that irritates me in this routine. Being a natural loud vocalist, I can't help but to point out that the routine is pirated. No pun intended. This routine has Shirtliff, Extreme All-Stars Malaysia and Vulcanz All-Boys written all over.
This sneaky choreographer probably thinks no one would notice but not to my trained (gorgeous) eyes. While it is healthy to recycle for the environment, the same could not be applied to cheerleading routines. Please do not re-use, reduce and recycle or otherwise you know..
Pirates have one of the easiest stunts of earth. The sport houses in Sek Sri KDU has attempted more difficult stunts. But since it's all masqueraded with the music, hype and glory, so let's just pretend the stunts are great.
- 2 sets of show extensions
- 1 set of (weird) basket toss kick
- 1 set of basket toss pike
- 2 sets show kicks + sponge + liberty prep level + press up + extension liberty (hideous) scales
- 1 set of basket toss toe touch + reload + liberty extension (hideous) heel stretch
- 2 sets of offsets + step up to extension + hitch to inside elevator
- 1 set of offset + step up to extension + down to prep + twist cradle
- 2 sets shoulder stands + 1 set of single base extension
- Arm motions need to be sharper, straight with precise angles.
- Timing of jumps could be better.
- Execution of skills need to be cleaner.
- I felt that the Pirates have the presence and confidence to execute the routine. They definitely deserved the Best Showmanship award.
- The routine was entertaining and memorable.
Thank you for reading.
Eric xoxo
I COMPLETELY AGREE! I really loved their routine for its energy and entertainment but I thought there were other teams who were better and who should have scored higher than them. EXTREMELY EXTREMELY low level stunts for an all-boys team and they were not even properly executed! They deserved Best Showmanship, not 6th place. : / Vulcanz boys were better and sorry, I may say this with a little bias, but I thought the Stunners boys were better too.
Cd u do a review on Stuners and Stomers please
Kim: Actually I'm in Pirates' boat. I think the Vulcanz boys have themselves to blame for messing up a routine which executed properly, guarantees a higher placing.
Jackson: No problem! But I can't do Stompers though cos I am involved in the creative processes of that team :p
i so agree on the 'pirated' routine..butt shaking, vulcanz boys..
Looking forward to ur review on vlc boys
memalukan vulcanz =.=
apalah ni! all your seniors so angry!! :@
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