Wednesday, October 28, 2009

In Bed with Cheerleading

In this blog entry, I would be sharing with you about my intimate relationship with cheerleading hence the title "In Bed with Cheerleading".

And I don't mean having sex with others in your cheerleading uniforms should any ideas arise from the title.

If you have been paying attention to every nook and crannies in this blog, you should know by now that yours truly started cheerleading in 2004 under the persuasion of my BFF, Mitra.

So I grew a pair, trained and became part of my highschool cheer team, Vulcanz.

The initial stages of training wasn't easy. I've never been athletic during my pre-cheerleading days and I felt so incapable.

I can't base, I can't split, I can't jump and I can't dance even if you put a million bucks in front of my face. I'm just like one of them Simon Cowell victims.

But I persisted and trained hard. I know it's a cliche but like most cliches, they're true.

Cheer has done a lot for me physically. I would consider what I'm doing now to be insane if you were to ask me a couple years back.

I think that cheerleading is about having the confidence and how much you believe in yourself. With encouragement from your close ones and a proper training, I got to do the things I never thought I would.

It got me toned up and sizzling hot.

Pretzel-like flexibility

Cheer has also been a platform to working life. We learn how to deal with clients and people generally from the god-forsaken assholes to the most cooperative people. It's an on-field training that no books can teach.

After countless cheerleading performances, performing has been like a breeze. I've became more confident with myself and not to mention richer by a few hundreds.

Being a two time national 2nd runner-ups, the feeling of winning is almighty! It gave me a great sense of joy and pride. It's such a tear jerker I tell you. Feels good to kick other cheerleaders butt too.

I've met so many amazing talented people and there's so many things I've learnt from them. Even my students are my teachers. To watch my students turn from zero to hero is just priceless.

Cheer has also been a great opportunity to tap in to my creative side too. I had so much fun choreographing for the teams I've worked with.

All embracingly, cheerleading has to be a gift from the heavens.

Go Bless Win!

Thank you for reading,
Eric xoxo


The One & Only. said...

Zero To Hero! The DANCEEEE :P Haha.
& I agree, cheerleading has definately changed me in every way possible. Teehee :]
PS/ Nice blog post title.

Alex said...

OMG. It's just so sincere and awesome ericcc!!! Cheer really did build me up to who i am . =\

Eric Voong said...

Hey! Thanks you both :)

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