Friday, October 23, 2009

The Zipzapdingdongfupaks of Dynamitez 2009 - The Review

One of the top teams and trendsetters in the cheer scene. The originator of the manly voice and the throwing of pom-poms to simulate fireworks. The Dynamitez have the reputation for being squeaky clean and cut throat sharp.

Routine Choreography
Predictable. The usual opening pom-pom dance and the throwing of pom-poms are getting stale and out of trend. I reckon the discarding of pom-poms gently on the floor to be the in thing already! Just spare me this rude treatment of poms.

The thing is, Dynamitez are good and skilled but their choreography sucks. The choreographer needs to be murdered. Why would you want to have the basket toss toe touch and basket toss kick twists to go up simultaneously?

The focus would've be on the basket toss toe touch as it takes the centre position and that would leave the basket toss kick twists go unnoticed. The basket toe touch should go first followed by the kick twists or vice versa.

The dance leaves much to be desired. It is a change from their usual style where they get down all dirty and ghetto. I'm not impressed and it's just awkward looking. Too slow-paced and lacking visual dynamics.

The pyramid sequence is boring and depressing. Did you see how boring it is when they do their "pyramid" in the cheer section? These flyers go up to an arabesque and  then followed by a liberty to a hitch and then she libs again! I just don't understand why the need to lib so much?

The flyers need to hold the hitch longer; not just brushing the hitch on the prep flyer. The single basing stunt sets look laboured. A basic elevator instead would be better.

Now.. the ending pyramid. Forget it, it speaks for itself.

2 sets of (deformed) basket kick twist + reload + elevator + double twist cradle
1 set of basket toe touch + reload + elevator + double twist cradle
1 set of straight extension + cradle
2 sets of extension liberty arabesques + liberty + hitch on elevator + liberty + cradle
2 sets of single base elevators + press up to extensions + down to prep level + cradle
2 sets of basket toss double vertical

Bracers: 2 sets of front handspring to load to elevators
Braced: Tuck to liberty extension + cradle + elevator

On the positive note:
Great jump sequence! Triple toe touch + pike + vertical jump


Kimberly M. said...

Sorry, but I think the Dynamitez routine was a HUGE mess this year compared to other years. :/

The only things worth mentioning are like you said, their jump sequence, BY FAR the best jumps in the whole competition! And I love the way they added a twist after the pike, a little bit different from the usual jump sequences we see. The double twist cradles were good and the basket toss toe touch was very nice also. Good height!

Other than that, I thought their stunts were very very VERY messy. Not the usual Dynamitez standard. :/ Pyramid was horrible!

As for the pom pom throwing thing, I think it's their signature move. Everyone knows it's a Dynamitez thing! Ditto the cheering with manly voices. But you have to admit, every year, they are probably the only team that you can hear AND understand what they're saying.

Their dance was okay. Not as interesting as other teams (like Shirtliff), but I give them props for trying to change their signature dance style.

Magdalene said...

Oh! The girl who sprained her ankle!

Eric Voong said...

I agree with you on the double twists. They're beautifully executed. The basket toss however, is just average. Blitzerz's basket toss is what I call high.

I find that they need to change their dance. Look at Shirtliff, they have exciting dance every year without having to repeat themselves. I'm tired of the pom-pom thing.

Thanks for reading Kim xoxo

Eric Voong said...

Mag: Shit happens :P I don't what I'll do if I sprained my ankle 5 seconds before performing. Good thing that never happened in my cheerleading career hehe.

Kimberly M. said...

You're welcome! :D But eh! I forgot to add! They didn't have two basket toss kick twists lah! They had one. The one at the back had no kick. Lol. It was an illusion! She only lifted her hand! :p But omg, I totally forgot about the girl who sprained her ankle! Props to her man! Was she a flyer/base/backspot?

liyen said...

she was one of the bases i think. i saw her basing a basket toss :D

Natalyn said...

They have hard-core fans screaming behind the camera. hahah (:

I can't believe she sprained her ankle & still managed to complete the entire routine. Way to stick it in there! & they saved the elevator just in time for the double down. Which was still , amazing. (:

Cheer-MonkeyGuessWho said...

she is one tough CHICK!
i hands down for u girl~~

Hmmmmmmmm.... I have no comment bout this routine, i guess is just okay?
btw, good job on hitting all those harder stunts :)
congratz :)

Natalyn said...

Hello, U-sern. :p

Dynamite said...

Thank you to everyone for their opinion and for all the support u have given us. Its sad that we were placed 5th but this is a lesson for us to work harder and smarter.i respect Eric's review and thoughts on our routine and we will use it to improve ourselves.

I would like to add that yea shit happens ,but how my teammate handled it really makes me proud to be in the team :) .5th or champion doesn't matter as long as we gave it our all . And thats where im able to come to terms with it all :)

PS :Yup she was our base and a darn good one at that :)
Thanks alot you guys and hope to see you guys during cheer '10 :D

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